Double the Pleasure Upon Arrival
From the day Brandon made his first appearance with his fraternal twin brother Matthew—he filled our hearts with smiles and a richness that is indescribable. Brandon’s sweet blue eyes were pools of love and the grace of heaven. In them, we could see eternity. From the beginning, we could not believe that we were blessed with two babies so full of incredible vigor…and our lives were never the same again. The family grew to four boys and the richness and experiences we shared as a loving family were incredible. Brandon was a mischievous child with a playful and gentle side to him. He was always testing boundaries, exploring the limits and leading the way for his three brothers. He surprised us with an early growth spurt and in his teens was nearly a foot taller than his twin. Growing up “Wright” meant summer camp at Geneva Glenn, houseboat trips on Lake Powell, snow and water skiing, Cotillion, pool parties at Dodie and Papa’s house, Bronco games, lots of friends and a love of cars and animals.
Brandon’s legacy will not be how he died, but rather how he had a life rich with experiences, adventures, good friends, a loving family and compassion for others. Brandon loved his family and they will always love him. His memory will be forever engraved on our hearts and we will cherish the time we had with him all the more. We were all lucky to have him touch our lives. So many cherished memories were made as a family and there will now be an empty place at all our family gatherings.
Active and Lively Teen and Young Adult
Brandon was an active teen. Friendly, outgoing, vivacious, funny, outrageously silly at times and just simply like no other. He wanted to try all things new and was not afraid. Brandon enjoyed high school and college life and was eager to taste all that it had to offer.
As a teen, Brandon played ice hockey and lacrosse and was quite good – especially body checking other players! He loved our family’s summer trips to Lake Powell where he enjoyed working on the boat engine, jet skiing, water skiing and anything fast. He especially loved fast cars and took great pride in the 1972 Camaro he rebuilt twice during his teen years, as well as his classic 1966 Mustang which won 2nd Prize at the Tri-State Auto Show. He was the family “tinkerer” and took inordinate joy in meticulously taking things apart and putting them back together. Brandon and his brother Matt had a robust dating life during these years, and the “Charrington” House was always lively and full with numerous friends hanging out there.
Brothers with the “Wright” Kind of Love…
Technically being the oldest of the four brothers, Brandon was always special to each of his siblings: twin Matt and younger brothers Chris and Taylor. Brandon was gifted with it all – he was handsome, intelligent, witty, warm and caring. He was the household geek with a fondness for technology, books and anything mechanical. Growing up in a household full of boys there was lots of mischief, outrageous parties and good times shared. We will miss Brandon’s warm smile, gregarious laugh, quirky sense of humor, good heart and the sparkle in his big blue eyes.
An Adventurous Spirit
Brandon had the soul of an adventurer. He loved the outdoors, camping, hiking and fishing. He was an enthusiastic traveler and reveled in discovering new places. Brandon had a very active mind, a wonderful memory and a great thirst for knowledge. His opinions were always well thought out and carefully considered. He loved to discuss and hear the opinions of others. His unique essence and philosophical outlook will be missed and we honor and celebrate his adventurous spirit.
Forever in Our Hearts
Brandon was a kindhearted soul. A young man who struggled in finding his way the last few years, but never stopped dreaming of a brighter future. A hole has been carved into our hearts that can never be healed, never be filled.
As a parent, the biggest fear is to bury our children; it is so unfair and unnatural. The loss of an innocent with so much life left to live defies understanding. The heartache is endless. The pain of unexpectedly losing someone in the prime of their life is beyond difficult to comprehend. While Brandon’s life was senselessly cut short here on this earth, he made a lasting impression, one that will last a lifetime.
Brandon will live on in our memories and stories, and in what all of us have become because of him. While our hearts deeply grieve this tragic loss and that we will not be able to spend more time with Brandon, we know that every moment we spent with him, no matter how long or brief, was a gift and a true miracle. Brandon, thank you so much for the time you have given us. We will always remember you; you hold a truly special place in our hearts. You have touched the lives of so many people and we all love you. May you be blessed in your journey.
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